Tuesday, 25 January 2011

End Sequence reviews

Things that worked:

The 180 degree spin around me and Jack when we had guns pointed at each others head worked well and the class agreed. They said the sound effect we used for that particular shot was successful too.

Ben's parkour shots were good and build a sense there was a rush to get somewhere or something. The group thought that this worked well.

When I hit Jack around the head with a gun, with the sound effect in place made it work well as it was all timed well and looked realistic.

The music throughout our end sequence worked good as it enhanced it overall dramatically.

Group members said that the pace of the editing was successful, which would reflect on the building of the tension.

Areas of improvement

The teacher said he was expecting more in our end sequence. We had planned to do so but due to bad weather Ben was unable to create the shots as planned because doing parkour in the bad weather could result in a serious injury.

It was suggested the music was a little loud when we had dialogue, which we should take into consideration as it could interfere with the speech, making it hard for the audience to understand what's going on.

A member of the class suggested Ben's introduction could have been more creative, rather than a simple text message then him running in. He said we could have zoomed out or something. Which we should have, although it is an end sequence so Ben would have been properly introduced earlier on in the film.

The shot we had with some bad language made the film lose the plot according to someone. I agree with this partly, I don't think it looked great as a close up shot it seemed out of place to me.

The characters costumes were not planned well, we were told this also they should have been more planned. I agree with this as I was not in costume, Jack had a suit and Ben had casual parkour clothes on. I didn't own a jacket of some kind and it would have been too much hassle and money for a few shots.

The wind interfered slightly, the audience noticed this also. We cut out a lot of wind, but we couldn't get rid of it all as we would have lost our dialogue also. If we had time we would have done a reshoot.

Our feedback on the fight scene was it needs to be more planned and story boarded better. I agree on this as we made up the fight on the shot, we didn't plan angles, shot types and what actions we were going to do before hand. If we did I think it could have been more professional.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Session 17 & 18 - Action Thriller End Sequence

In these sessions we were making sure we had done all paperwork, checking through the folders. We finished off the end sequence, adding the last music and then watching it over a few times. Me and Jack noticed a few things that we suggested didn't work so well, one of them was the soundtrack at the beginning of the end sequence, so we ended up changing this piece of music to fit the scene better.

Session 15-16 - Action Thriller End Sequence

In this session we were searching for sound effects. Ben bought in this microphone and attempted to make his own sound effects, one of them were successful and we are now using in our end sequence, this was a sound effect for a punching sound for one of our shots.

Ben continued to explore with the music to create any other interesting pieces of music to go with our end sequence.

Session 13 & 14 - Action Thriller End Sequence

Since we were coming to the end of our end sequence being complete, there was not much left to do. Jack completed the shot list for each location while. Jack transferred our footage over to Ben's laptop so he could add in the music he had made for our end sequence.

During this session, as my role was camera man, and in charge of the visuals, which I have completed uploading there was not much left for me to do other than watch it over a few times and then give them my opinion on their work (editing and music) and make some small suggestions to improve it.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Session 12 - Action Thriller End Sequence

This session we all played our individual roles. Jack edited our shots from location 3 while Ben created music pieces for the shots, I was uploading our pictures we had taken during the process of filming.

Me and Ben gave Jack some opinions of ours to improve the last little editing parts, we then showed the teacher and he suggested we took another shot just to wrap up the ending as it was left as a bit of a cliffhanger. So we went out and took one last shot of the undercover policeman sending a text "Two gang leaders down, got the diamond" so this indicates the crime has been resolved.

Session 11 - Action Thriller End Sequence

The weather had improved when we came to this session, so we decided to go out and film location 3. We used the car park of the college to film the end fight scene of the end sequence.

We successfully finished filming all of our shots. We had changed the whole of location 3 due to permission troubles, we had also changed our shot types during the filming, as we realized while we were filming using different shots would make a lot more impressive.

Session 10 - Action Thriller End Sequence

Due to bad weather again, continuing on from last lesson we had to put it off again for health and safety issues, as a particular part we had to film would be very dangerous in the wet, as a high possibility of someone falling over. Also the equipment as it's electrical it could easily get damaged.

So instead of our original plans, during this session one of our group members worked on the music pieces for the end sequence, while the other continued to finish up last parts of the editing for the shots we had already, he also looked for a punching sound effect for when he needs to add the sound effect later on. I helped by giving my opinions and suggesting ideas to improve the pieces.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Session 9 - Action Thriller End Sequence

In this session we had planned to go out on location and film, but due to bad weather we decided to hold it off until the weather was better, hoping to film on the following monday.

Instead of filming, we helped the editor with the clips we had previously taken, getting them ready. We gave him our opinion on how it looks and made little changes throughout the process to make it that little bit better.

Sesson 8 - Action Thriller End Sequence

During this session we got the basic equipment; video camera, tripod and stills camera. This time we used a piece of equipment that was new to us, which was a wheelchair to do a tracking shot that we planned to do.

We filmed location 3 within college and just outside of the college, as we were unable to gain permission for our original location as planned.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Session Task 6 & 7 - Action Thriller End Sequence

For these two sessions we had the video camera, dolly, tripod and also the stills camera booked. We went out and filmed location 2, using the college car park as we had decided to change the location area due to permission troubles in the previous session.

Our prop guns did not arrive, so in the end we had to borrow two from other groups. In these sessions we managed to get a bunch of successful shots. Then our editor (Jack) uploaded them onto the computer, i also uploaded the stills from these sessions. Both ready for the next session to begin the editing.

Session Task 5 - Action Thriller End Sequence

When we had planned to go out to film location 2 we discovered that we had to contact the ground keeps of the location to gain permission to film on that particular location. As we'd figured they would probably have said no, or taken a while to reply due to it being a hospital ground, we suspect they would be a lot busier with more important things.

So then as a group we decided to film on the college grounds, where Jack wrote out a email and sent it to the ground keeper of the college, hoping to receive permission in time for our next session.

Session Task 4 - Action Thriller End Sequence

So as we had planned, we did a reshoot of location 1 from the previous session since we weren't happy with our shots.

This time we decided to use the college camera's which had a higher quality and was much more straight forward uploading the shots for the editor.

This time we were happy with our shots.

Session Task 2 & 3 - Action Thriller End Sequence

During the second session we (the group) had planned to film the first location of our end sequence. This was location 1, we used an office which involved a phone call. This is where we introduced the diamond. Jack used a jacket to dress up as his character.

During the third session, in the same day, we agreed to review the shots we had taken earlier that day, we came to a conclusion as a group that we weren't too happy with the quality of them. We planned to take a reshoot the following day.

We had expected the two guns we had ordered to arrive, unfortunately they did not.

Session Task 1 - Action Thriller End Sequence

On our first lesson we had a group discussion where we decided on our roles for the end sequence. We also planned out how to create it over the two weeks, e.g. created a schedule for what we do on each day for the next two weeks.

I got the role camera man as well as playing one of the characters within the end sequence. I was happy with this because I'm not very experienced using the camera, so by having this role gives me the opportunity to progress my knowledge handling the camera.
Jack also had the prop diamond arrive and ready to use.